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Writer's pictureDevyn Penney

#48. following your dreams, waiting for marriage & wanting more

Age: 32

Relationship Status: Married

Occupation: VP Digital Marketing, just decided to be a SAHM until my kids are a little older

Income: was six figures 

Astrological Sign: Aries


What is the first thing you do when you wake up?

Feed our youngest baby! Her first morning cry wakes me up around 4:30/5. Eventually, I’d love to wake up, do a quick devotional, wash my face, and get dressed for the day.


Have you ever felt genuine fulfillment? When? 

Yes, I’ve felt extremely fulfilled professionally and personally, but not at the same time. 

For almost 10 years, I worked as an entertainment reporter, covering everything from The Grammys to movie premiers. Working for one of the best-known networks, was a dream job. However, I had no personal life and was working around the clock.

Personally, when I got married and had our children, something shifted, and as career-focused as I am, I was a bit surprised by how fulfilled I felt by being a mom. Being a mom is the hardest, greatest, and most rewarding gift.


What is your most repetitive, negative thought? 

Is this it? 

I think it’s a gift to see your dreams come true, but it’s extremely refining and confusing if you don’t have another lofty dream and goal, and I can sometimes feel like I’m not achieving enough. 


What is your most repetitive, positive thought? 

I love being a mom.

Sure, it’s tough, wildly tough, but gosh, being a mom, my heart feels like it’s doubled. It’s as if you see the world in a new way, from waiting on the trash truck for our 2-year-old son to hearing our newest baby giggle for the first time. Right now, their love is so pure.


What is one thing that surprised you about adulthood? 

That no one has it figured out. 


What are three things you want to put every woman onto? 

  1. Love yourself. Invest in yourself. Follow your dreams, and do not let others dull your shine.

  2. Sally Hansen Gel Polish. I hate getting my nails done. This nail makes me look like I have a manicure in 5 minutes. I have it in my car for when I need it for big meetings.

  3. The Colette is single-handedly the most flattering crop pant. They’re at Anthropologie, and I own 3 sizes die when I’m at my normal weight, maternity, and postpartum.


Rank the following from most to least important:

money, food, sex, love, and laughter (feel free to explain or don’t).

  1. Love, genuine, safe love. I want a love like my parents; they’re a team, they genuinely have fun together after 45+ years together, and everyone craves being around them. I’ve also learned since being married. Love is apologizing thousands of times and still choosing them. 

  2. Money

  3. Laughter

  4. Food 

  5. Sex


How has your relationship with your parents/ guardians changed in adulthood? 

My parents started their own business when I was born, and many times, they were personally liable and responsible for large real estate deals. I never knew the weight of that sacrifice and stress, like I do now as an adult. As a wife and parent myself now, I don’t know that I could have risked what they did. As kids, we had a magical childhood, and I would have never known the stress and sacrifices they were under and made.


When do you feel most like yourself? 

In California, it represents so much to me; it’s where I spent almost ten years of my life and the majority of my 20s. It shaped me into who I am today, expanded the way I think and my faith, and taught me a lot about life. 


What is the best compliment someone has ever given you? 

I knew you didn’t need me. You loved your life, and it was contagious, and I wanted to be a part of it. - my now husband when we were dating 


How do you feel about falling in love? 

I think it can happen more than once, which means falling in love is painful at times but worth it. Do protect your heart, and know heartbreak has to exist for love to exist, too.

I waited until I was married to have sex, which is culturally not a popular opinion, but one I think really helped me have a clear mind in choosing who I ended up with, and breakups are painful enough. I was grateful that I made that decision and stuck to it. It’s a gift, and it’s hard, but it’s worth it if you have chosen a similar path.


What is one thing you’re sick of hearing?

“Ask mom,” lol. Not just my husband but relatives, sometimes mom doesn’t always have the answer (aka me), or just wants to take a beat and go to the restroom or shower in peace.


How often do you feel alone? 

More in my 30s than in my 20s. More than I expected to when on paper I have “everything.”


What is one thing you hope everyone experiences in their lifetime? 

Jesus. Not the Bible Belt, bless your heart, let’s dress up for church Jesus…. But The Jesus who’s in the dark spaces and corners of your life. The peace when times are insanely tough and the faith you need when you’re pursuing your dreams to know when you feel alone, you’ve got someone in your corner.


What is one thing you hope no one has to experience in their lifetime?

People who dull your sparkle. Be intuitive when this is happening; if you can remove them from your life or spend less time with them, do so.

Also, loss, but that’s sadly the circle of life. We are here for a short time.


What is the best decision you’ve ever made? 

To move to LA, a city I knew no one; to go to college and pursue my dreams.


When do you feel most at ease? 

In California, outside with people I love. I can’t explain it, but California, to me, represents growth and wisdom, and it brought out the qualities I love most about myself. I simply feel at home here, healthier, and at ease. (I don’t live there anymore. We now live closer to both my husband and my family).


What does having a successful life mean to you? 

It used to be having a dream career until I realized the path I was on, and the time devoted meant I really couldn’t have a personal life. I think some people can manage it, but those who were married at the level I was chasing and rising to didn’t have marriages anyone would envy; they were either contractual, filled with cheating, or two ships passing in the night that never saw each other.


Now, in my 30s, a successful life would be pouring into our children and into my marriage so that one day, when I’m 80, I can hold my husband’s hand and say we lived one full life. To have kids who call you from college who want to come home for holidays, and who feel valued, loved, and cherished. 


How often do you think about your body? 

More since having babies. It is wild how much it simply changes.


When do you ask for help? 

Sadly, like a volcano when, I simply cannot, and have exploded with stress. I’m wildly independent - this is something I’m working towards.


What is something you feel strongly about?

You should follow your dreams. Following my dream was the most rewarding, arduous, and fulfilling journey riddled with lessons and influential people. It also led me to arrive at a point where I realized I wanted even more. I wanted to be a wife and mom too, and that is okay! I think I felt like a failure walking away from a dream career, and I’ve now realized dreams change, they shift, and I’m proud to say I did it. It wasn’t a “what if” I was on a red carpet or what if I could interview (insert A-list celeb); I can smile and know I did it.


BONUS: Tell me something good. 

The gas station on the border of Carmel and Big Sur is my happy place. It’s filled with wine, freshly baked cookies, and random camping gear, and today, I got to swing by for a cookie with my family. When I was 25, I took a road trip from LA to Big Sur; I was working wild hours as an entertainment reporter and had a checkup at the doctor who told me if I kept working at this pace, I’d have a heart attack by 30. I remember stopping at that gas station, so confused about what to do and wanting to take the weekend to really process where I wanted to be. I’d achieved so much of what I dreamed of but was feeling really alone in the dating world. Today, I am not on any red carpets but am with my now husband, our baby, and toddler, stopping for a treat. I have to remind myself when I’m in the thick of the “mundane” this is what I prayed for. It’s sweet, it’s tiring, it’s rewarding. 

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